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Contact info

Corporate Office Address:

9913 Southwest Highway Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Active Trials

C Diff

Are you over the age of 18? Do you suffer from watery diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting? Are you currently suffering from C Diff or have experienced recurrent C Diff infection in the past? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a new C Diff clinical trial. All participants will be compensated.

Are you 18 years or older?

Do you suffer from watery diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting?

Are you currently suffering from C Diff?

If YES, please fill out the form below and someone will contact you promptly.

Qualified participants may receive at no cost:

  • C Diff (investigational) medication
  • Compensation for time and travel

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